Counselling, Psychotherapy & CBT for adults, young people and children
Couples & relationship counselling

Student placement, work or volunteer with us
Qualified counsellors and psychotherapists
Qualified and experienced counsellors, psychotherapists and CBT / REBT therapists can apply to become an associate counsellor or psychotherapist with us.
We work collaboratively with our associates and we are not solely a referral route for our associates’ private practices.
In keeping with our commitment to providing inclusive services, we expect our associates to provide interventions to a diverse client group and not focus solely on a narrow demographic.
Trainee counsellors and psychotherapists
Our placements are structured so as to enable students to apply, when qualified, for further training, employment or self-employment.
We provide support for the student to learn skills in assessment, risk-management and self-awareness as a therapeutic tool as well as ways of putting theory into practice.
If you are interested in a counselling, psychotherapy, CBT or other similar therapeutic placement please complete the form below and email it to us with your core CV. Your core CV is important as we seek people with transferrable knowledge, skills and experiences to bring to the placement.
Retired or part-time social workers
For social workers who would like to maintain their registration we provide opportunities to do therapeutic or supportive work with our clients.
You would need to have had some experience of working therapeutically or supportively with adult mental health or family / parent and child issues.
Volunteering and career development opportunities
We provide work experience placements for people who want to develop their knowledge, skills and experience to enhance their CV so as to apply for a course of study or further studies, return to work or move into a different field of work.
We are keen to support women returning to work after a career break.
We provide work experience placements in the following fields: psychology, social care, administration, accounting, book-keeping, PR and marketing, management and similar areas of learning.
If you would like to work with us please email
In your covering email please explain your current situation, what you would like to achieve, what you would like to offer us and the support you would like to have from us.
Please attach a copy of your CV - it doesn't have to be perfect as improving your CV will be a part of the work experience process.